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COVID Creativity Exercise: A Super Simple Story to Boost Creative Thinking

creative thinking exercise Aug 25, 2021
COVID Creativity Exercise: A Super Simple Story to Boost Creative Thinking

Who's Up for a Creativity Exercise?

It’s time to kick up some fun during these crazy COVID times with a creativity exercise - a Super Simple Short Story challenge. We took inspiration from the legend of Ernest Hemingway’s six-word story, ‘Baby shoes for sale, never worn.”

We asked how might we ramp up Ernest’s idea. So we replaced the “word” with a super simple stick-man scribble. To add to the fun, we invited our clients from government, education, healthcare, and business to create their own. What a hoot and a holler!! People loved it!

Check out one example.

 Wanna give it a try? Click below to download a blank story grid. Be sure to send email me your creation! I’d love to see them!

Keep inspiring creativity! 


- Karen 


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