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How to Respond When Your Ideas Are Rejected (So You'll Actually Be Heard)

creative thinking exercise ideation innovation and creativity videos leadership on-demand resources Aug 17, 2020
How to Respond When Your Ideas Are Rejected (So You'll Actually Be Heard) by Dr. Karen Tilstra

How to Respond When Your Ideas Are Rejected

Have you ever shared an idea, only to have it shot down by a murder of crows? The crows sound a little something like this, “That won’t work.” “We tried that before and it didn't work,” or the simple, “HAHAHAHAHA” as soon as your idea is expressed.

Whatever the response or phase, the second our idea is rejected, we feel defeated.



In truth, the crow's response is more of a knee-jerk reaction to something new and different, than actual disapproval of your idea. But that still doesn't make it fun to be on the receiving end of a crow attack.

The good news is that I have some tricks for you to try next time the CROWs attack your ideas. I call it CAW (watch the video above and review the steps below):


  • C  - Catch your breath
  • A -  Acknowledge their concerns
  • W - hold the What-If party



Now the next time your ideas are being attacked, respond with a CAW. Take a moment to catch your breath, acknowledge their concerns, and then invite the idea-killers into the best rip-roaring WHAT-IF party they've ever seen.


Keep inspiring creativity! 

- Karen


P.S. If you've enjoyed the first video in our CROW series, be sure to tune in for the finale - FLY!


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